Contact us on:
07947 776140
Cherubs pre-school is based in Linton Village Hall and has been in operation since 2003. We are registered with OFSTED and KCC to offer funding for eligible children.We work within OFSTED rules to ensure adult to child ratios are maintained. We operate a key person system, which means your child will have a designated member of staff to monitor their progress and complete their unique learning journey. However; every member of staff within the setting will know every child and everyone is available everyday to discuss anything about any child with parents and carers.
We value and pride ourselves with the strong relationships we build with parents & carers and recognise that we all have a different role to play in each child's development. We also know that you know your own child best and we will work together to ensure the best outcome possible to guarantee your child's happiness and development whilst in our care here at Cherubs.
We work towards the Early Years Foundation Stage. All our activities are designed to be both stimulating and fun. We find the most effective way to learn is through play and we aim to provide activities which help children to develop in the six vital areas of learning, to prepare children for school.
Parents and carers are always welcome to visit us here at Cherubs at anytime, our polices and procedures are always available for you to read.
We look forward to meeting you and your child.

In The news:
"Cherubs is an exceptional Pre-School for the development of your children"
Please follow the link to our latest OFSTED report
Cherubs is open as usual and is fully CoVid secure with procedures in place to ensure it stays that way.
Term dates 2023
Term 1 4th Sep - 20th Oct
Term 2 30th Oct - 15th Dec
Term 3 8th Jan - 9th Feb
Term 4 19th Feb - 28th Mar
At Cherubs all staff are trained to the highest standard to ensure children receive the best possible care whilst at Cherubs